This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive

Friday 1st March 2002

This Week In Doctor Who - March 1, 2002
(posted 1st Mar 2002, 12:48pm - TWIDW post #0078)
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Vol 5, No 9
Welcome to the weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts around the world. March is one of the big PBS pledge periods in the US, so the US listings will have special broadcasts, unusual start times, lots of pre-emptions, and the odd station that actually airs Doctor Who at the usual time with nothing special. BBCi (aka BBC Online) continues its slow rollout of the Death Comes To Time audio story, with part 3 of episode 2 going online today.
UK - UK Gold is finally upgrading its copies of Doctor Who stories to use the cleanest/most recently restored prints available. They ran the cleaned up versions of Terror of the Autons and The Mark Of Evil last weekend. So if you get up early enough, you can enjoy nice prints at last. Maybe they'll even use the colour version of The Dæmons next week, instead of the first 4 episodes in black & white and switch to colour for episode 5.
USA - WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA has had to cut back its Doctor Who broadcasts. They learned that the contract they are currently using only allows them to air episodes once. So, WYBE is now airing 2 episodes a week Saturdays at 11PM. A travel show called Globe Trekker has replaced the 4AM reruns, and some other filler had replaced the 5:30PM reruns as of last weekend. WYBE reports that they would rather have continued airing Doctor Who has they had been doing, and that they will continue to support the show. It appears the next pledge drive in Philly for Doctor Who will be in May.
USA - WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL) continues to confound anyone who wants to keep track of what they are doing with Doctor Who. On February 16, instead of airing episodes 1+2 of Kinda, they gave a second airing to episodes 3+4 of Four To Doomsday, probably because the first airing had been 2 weeks before they had aired episodes 1+2 of Four To Doomsday. On February 23, while the online schedule had episodes 3+4 of Kinda, the TV Guide there indicated that a basketball game would pre-empt the show. WYIN's March schedule now has episodes 3+4 of Kinda scheduled to air this weekend, but did they air episodes 1+2 anywhere?
USA - Maryland Public Television. For anyone curious, MPT ran the movie version of Invasion of the Dinosaurs last weekend. The one without episode 1 in it. If memory serves me right, TJ Lubinsky got Planet Of The Daleks 3 and Invasion Of The Dinosaurs 1 available to PBS stations in roughly the mid 1990s. Since then Maryland Public TV has aired the Pertwee stories 4 times (1998, 1999 - 2 airings of each story, 2001-2002). None of those airings has incorporated those episodes.
USA - WQED/WQEX Pittsburgh, Maryland Public TV, and Iowa Public TV are all having pledge drives for Doctor Who this weekend. I believe all three stations allow people to pledge through their web sites, for people outside their viewing areas who want to support them. And people in the viewing areas can call in during the pledge specials, of course.
Additions and corrections are welcome at , bfelliott@... , bfelliott3 on AOL IM , or thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. bfelliott@... might not work for a few days due to technical difficulties, but it will be back. And now, the listings:


BBCi (BBC Online)
Death Comes To Time - firstrun online Doctor Who story with Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, and Stephen Fry
Episode 2C Planet Of Blood, part 3 of 3 - now online.
Episodes 1, 2A, and 2B are still online. Episode 3A goes online on 8 March.
Webstreamed in RealAudio/Player/One.
BCB 96.7FM Bradford, UK
(Also Cable Radio and Internet)
RealPlayer Stream
Thu 7-8PM GMT (2-3PM EST, 11AM-Noon PST, 6-7AM Fri AEDT) The Who Review
monthly review/talk show hosted by Tim Moon. Starts somewhere between the start of the hour and 20 after. Ends somewhere in the last 20 minutes of the hour. Episodes have ranged from 25 to 50 minutes. Hopefully the webcast is running again - the stream was down during showtime last month. Next broadcast 4 April. Note - as of 1 March BCB Radio now broadcasts over the air in its home community full time - it had been cable radio and internet only before now.


No story descriptions this week (again) due to non-Doctor Who issues.
UK Gold
Sat 7:10-9AM GMT The Claws of Axos movie
Sun 6:10-9AM GMT Colony In Space movie
BBC Prime
Late Fri 12:30AM, Sat 4PM CET The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp) pt 7 of 14 (Mindwarp pt 3)
Sat 4:30PM, Late Sun 12:30AM CET The Trial of a Time Lord (Mindwarp) pt 8 of 14 (Mindwarp pt 4)
Wed Noon CET The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids) pt 9 of 14 (Terror Of The Vervoids pt 1)
Thu Noon CET The Trial of a Time Lord (Terror of the Vervoids) pt 10 of 14 (Terror Of The Vervoids pt 2)
Sun 7AM, Late Sun 1AM AEDT The Two Doctors all 3 pts (45 minute installments)
(Reminder - weekday airings return on 18 March.)
BBC Kids
Weekdays 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EST (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PST)
Fri Genesis of the Daleks pt 3 of 6
Mon-Wed Genesis of the Daleks pts 4 - 6 of 6
Thu-Fri Revenge of the Cybermen pts 1 - 2 of 4
More refinements to the Digital TV, DirecTV, & Dish Network info. I am not listing Dish Network channels which are not yet operational anymore, and I'm consolidating the info to use fewer lines of text.
NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Late Sat 1AM EST Earthshock pts 3+4 of 4
No Thursday installments this week.
WQED/WQEX 13,16 Pittsburgh, PA
DirecTV 13/947 Dish 8136
Sat 11PM-2AM EST Doctor Who Pledge Marathon
(Time approximate.)
Episodes and highlights from Warner Video's 2002 VHS and DVD releases, hosted by TJ Lubinsky. Warner is releasing Attack of the Cybermen, The Sun Makers, Four To Doomsday, and Delta and the Bannermen on VHS and The Caves of Androzani, Remembrance of the Daleks, The Tomb Of The Cybermen, and The Ark In Space on DVD, so those would be the most likely stories to be talked about. Next Doctor Who broadcast on March 30.
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA
DirecTV 35/909 Dish 8162
(The Saturday 4AM+5:30PM broadcasts have been discontinued by instruction of the syndicator.)
Sat 11PM EST Terror of the Zygons pts 3+4 of 4
MPT Maryland 22,28,31,36,62,67
DirecTV 22/980
Late Sat Mid-2:33AM EST National Doctor Who Night 2000
(Time approximate.)
Recorded October 21st, 2000. TJ Lubinsky and Sylvester McCoy (the 7th Doctor) host a pledge night intended to support the PBS stations that have continued airing Doctor Who. Includes a movie format broadcast of Remembrance of the Daleks, which won a viewer poll. I wish I could say that no plastic spoons were harmed in the filming of this special, but after the camera stopped we found severe cracks in them. To find out where the spoons got cracked, you'll have to tune in and find out what Sylvester does with them. This Week in Doctor Who editor Benjamin Elliott can be seen in the pledge footage making a bit of a mess of answering telephone calls in the back row.
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
DirecTV 48/909 Dish 8356
Pledge season. Doctor Who returns March 23.
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Sat 11PM CST Kinda pts 3+4 of 4
Note: WYIN's schedule has been notoriously unreliable. Be advised.
WILL 12 Urbana, IL
Sat 11:30PM CST The Talons of Weng-Chiang pt 2 of 6
TPT 2 St. Paul, MN
digital 16-5 (2-5) DirecTV 2/891 Dish 8576
Sat 11:30PM, Sun 5:30AM CST The Leisure Hive pt 2 of 4
Next Doctor Who broadcast on March 23.
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36
digital 50 Des Moines, IA
Sat 10:30PM-1AM CST The Caves of Androzani all 4 pts
(Time approximate.)

It's Festival time in Iowa. Iowa Public TV's one pledge drive of the year. Doctor Who and other Sci-Fi programming gets pledged for the first time since the sci-fi lineup moved from Friday to Saturday last November. This week - the final Peter Davison story, a jam packed thrill-ride which is coming out on DVD in April.
KERA/K24AD 13,24 Dallas/Wichita Falls, TX
digital 14.1 DirecTV 13/889 Dish 8406
Late Fri 12:15AM CST The Green Death all 6 eps
Pre-empted by pledges next week.
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
DirecTV 12/910 Dish 8211
Pledge season. Doctor Who returns March 23.
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
digital 42 DirecTV 7/982 Dish 8536
Sat 11PM MST The Pirate Planet pt 1 of 4
(unclear if 12:30AM rerun will air - pledge season.)
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
DirecTV 28/970 Dish 8620
Late Sat 12:30AM PST Black Orchid both pts
(7PM broadcast pre-empted by Red Green Live '02 Pledge Event.)
KTEH/KCAH 54,25 San Jose/Watsonville, CA
DirecTV 54/903 Dish 8234
Pledge season. Doctor Who returns March 24.

Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.

Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2002.